Jan 30, 2009

Journey 2009

Journey 2009
June 21-27, 2009
Washington College, Chestertown, Md.

The Women’s Giving Circle’s signature program for adolescent girls, Journey 09 is a residential camp for Howard County middle and high school girls who will be entering 8th-12th grade in the Fall of 2009. Campers live in the dorms at Washington College, eat in the cafeteria and experience a collegiate atmosphere during the week-long program, June 21-27, 2009. Workshops include self awareness, communication skills, decision-making skills, group dynamics, goal setting and building successful relationships. Leadership and interpersonal skills also experienced. Maryland Leadership Workshops operates the camp for WGC, which created and supports it. The cost is $595; financial assistance available. Applications are available at www.womensgivingcircle.org. Application deadline: March 14, 2009.

Click HERE for an APPLICATION and more info.

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