Mar 10, 2009

Capital Meats - Beware

Savage residents have been complaining about a meat truck soliciting door to door in a rude/alarming fashion. Read this to educate yourself about this company.

According to the Officer of Consumer Affairs, if these folks knock on your door, you should ask to see their Howard County Solicitor’s card before considering whether to do business him/her. If they are unable to produce the card, s/he should be turned away and reported to the police immediately. 410-313-2200.

Here is a Washington CityPaper article about these people:

And this, the "RipOff Report," with claims from both satisfied and dissatisfied customers.

To read about Howard County's law on door to door sales, click HERE.

Complaints about Capital Meats.

To file a complaint about this company or any company or organization in Howard County that you are not satisfied with, click HERE to reach the Howard County Office of Consumer Affairs.

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