Mar 12, 2009

Information on the Savage MD Historical Society

Click HERE to see a Recent Howard Times Article Featuring Savage's Historical Society.


Jessie Newburn said...

Welcome to the blogosphere. You may want t submit your new blog over on

Janis Markopoulos said...

Hi Jessie!
I'm on hocoblogs and get a lot of traffic that way. I'm able to trace my visitors via stat counter and I can tell exactly what key words folks are using to search google and other search engines. I take that information to make my blog even better. I always try to respond with what my followers are searching for.

I love being able to identity the IP addresses of my blog fans and/or stalkers, based on their keyword searches (i.e. their own names), so I know and have a record of how often they are on my blog and exactly what they're looking for. Fun stuff! Great documentation too!