Jun 9, 2009

Headstrong - Bicycle Safety for Howard County

From John Beck of Patuxent Springs...
As a resident and HOA President of Patuxent Springs I want you to know of an organization that we started here in Howard County about 6 months ago. The organization is HEADSTRONG Cycling and we are always putting on Bike Safety expos, classes, speeches and Bike Rodeos for kids.. It’s right here literally in your back yard.

Please feel free to contact me at jbeck@hscycling.org or take a look at our website for more information and let us know if you have an organization that would like us to help in any way. We are also always looking for companies or organizations to sponsor bike rodeos and helmet give a ways, etc….

John Beck

PS. If there are any cyclist that would like to join us for evening/ weekend rides as well as volunteer and be a “mentor/ role model” for our young cyclists and/ or volunteer at a bike rodeo, please let me know.

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