Jun 17, 2009

What Are Savage's Transportation Priorities?

This is from Bridget Mugane with the Howard County Citizen's Association, since 1961, the voice of the people of Howard County...

HCCA FOLKS, PLEASE LET THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE KNOW YOUR TRANSPORTATION PROJECT PRIORITIES NOW. This month he will send his list of priorities to the Governor for consideration in funding. It is important that we advocate, lobby him via email, letters and phone calls for several issues. See the message below....

Transportation Advocates needs to let County Executive Ulman know that this County wants, needs and expects good, multi-modal transportation!

Please pick your top priorities from the list below or pick them all. Communicate to Mr. Ulman your support for:

1. Funding commuter routes to Baltimore and Washington.

2. Funding for replacement buses to retire older, unsafe buses which is a State responsibility [via using Federal dollars in "pass-through" to the County] and to enable expanding Howard Transit

3. Expanded routes: Ellicott City to Elkridge

4. Bus stop improvements indicated in the Transportation Development Plan of 2009, including sidewalks, concrete pads at bus stops - which will improve access for everyone and especially for those with mobility problems.

Yes, there are other items we could include, but the most important are these. I'll be sending Mr. Ulman a longer "want" list to support. The contact information:

Ken Ulman can be contacted: kulman@howardcounty md.gov 410/313-2013. Also, do copy his Deputy, Jessica Feldmark, Jfeldmark@howardcou ntymd.gov

Sharonlee J. Vogel, Chair, Transportation Advocates

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