Jan 30, 2010

Promote Your Local Business by Supporting the Hammond High School Bull Roast

Hammond High School Boosters
8800 Guildord Road
Columbia, MD 21046

January 2010
Dear Hammond Supporter:
The Hammond High School Boosters will be holding their Annual Bull Roast on Sunday, March 7, 2010. We are asking the community for support in the form of products or services which can be auctioned off or used as a door prize. Cash contributions (checks made payable to HHS Boosters) also will be accepted to purchase additional prizes.

The Boosters provide monetary support for Hammond clubs, teams, drama, music and dance groups. In order to fund those school programs, the Boosters hold special event like this, where 100% of the profit goes back to the school.

Please coordinate your contribution with Melissa Ferraro at 240-393-2445 or via email at melandmike89@aol.com or Judi Humpert at 301-497-6122 jdhumpert@verizon.net. Monetary donations may be mailed directly to the Boosters at their address above.

All businesses making a contribution will be recognized in the Bull Roast Program and Boosters' Newsletter, and families will be encouraged to support those businesses. You can also give us a supply of business cards and/or brochures, for distribution at the event.

Volunteers are always needed to make the event a success. If you would like to
help, please email Judi Humpert at jdhumpert@verizon.net for details.

We would appreciate your support of the students in our community.

Judi Humpert
Auction Coordinator

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