Feb 13, 2010

Saturday's Snow Storm Message to the Residents of Savage, MD from Jen Terrasa, County Councilwoman, District 3

Good morning! Thank you for your continued patience as we all move forward in our efforts to dig out from these historic storms.

Last night as I drove around the district, it appeared that most, if not all, of the main roads had been cleared. As for the secondary roads, I was pleased to see that those I observed were for the most part at least passable. The focus now is on improving conditions on roadways and at intersections. I was out there quite late last night (after 11pm) and was impressed at how many of the plows and front loaders were still going full force even at that time of night. Because of the magnitude of these storms, it is my understanding that this process may take up to week or more.

The Howard County Emergency Operations Center will remain open during this weekend to continue to coordinate efforts and to respond to your calls (410.313.2900). I will continue to play an active role in making sure your concerns are addressed as quickly as possible. Please continue to let us know of any issues or concerns you need to have addressed. In addition, I will continue to monitor as well and make note of things I observe as well. I share this information with the County Executive and the Department of Public Works. They have been very cooperative in addressing those concerns for our community.

With regard to trash collection, we received word from the Bureau of Environmental Services that trash collection and recycling is planned to resume next week on your community's regularly scheduled day. I know that as I drove around last night, I observed that many have already put trash and recyclables out for collection. Please take those back in until your regularly scheduled day next week. For more information, please call Environmental Services at (410) 313-SORT [4645].

As for schools, at this point the plan is to open schools on Tuesday, February 16. However, this depends on a number of things. The school system is closely monitoring the condition of sidewalks and bus stops in the area because of the concern about the safety of students who walk to school and those who must wait at bus stops that are currently piled with snow. They have requested that everyone help out where possible by shoveling sidewalks and bus stops or helping to provide other safe areas off the street where students can wait for their buses.

Over the weekend, I will continue to monitor my email (jterrasa@howardcountymd.gov) for snow related concerns and check my voice mail messages (410-313-4101) on a regular basis. Your communication with me has been invaluable in my ability to address the community’s concerns. Although this extraordinary week has challenging, I can't thank you enough for your cooperation.

I have attached a Snow Emergency Contact List again for your convenience. In addition, I have included County Executive’s Snow Update from last night. Please feel free share this email as well as the County Executive’s Update with your family, friends and neighbors.

Stay safe and warm and I wish each of you a wonderful weekend!

All the best,

Jennifer Terrasa
Howard County Council District 3

Snow Emergency Contact List:

• If you have an emergency, please call 911. Our plows are being coordinated with rescue workers to make sure that they will be able to reach you in case of emergency.
• If you have a non-emergency but urgent situation in the aftermath of this storm, you can call the County Emergency Operations Center directly at (410) 313-2900
• If you have a gas leak, evacuate immediately and call BGE at (410) 685-0123 or 1(800) 685-0123.
• If you have a power outage, please call BGE's power outage hotline at 1 (877) 778-2222, then call (410) 313-2900 to report the outage to the Emergency Operations Center as well.
• To report snowplow issues or plowing problems, please call the Emergency Operations Center at (410) 313-2900.

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