Jun 10, 2010

Savage Meeting with Senator Robey & Chief of Police

There will be a meeting on Wednesday, June 16, at 5:30 pm in the Carroll Baldwin Hall to discuss what is going on in Savage and what is being done about it.  In particular, the incidents at the river and the increased activity there.

Sharon Brown

United Methodist Church of Savage
9050 Baltimore Ave, Savage, MD 20763


Pastor Ken said...

It's a good thing that these leaders are coming to meet with the community about the issues facing us. But did they not know that for years and years, Wednesday night is the night that committed christians go to prayer meeting, youth night and kids meetings at their churches? I hope that in the future these leaders would recognize this and choose a different night.

Pastor Ken Gooch
First Baptist Church, Savage

Anonymous said...

These politicans know exactly what they are doing! Calling a meeting at 5:30 p.m., in the middle of the week, should tell you who they are thinking about? They are not expecting anyone to show up at this meeting. Hopefully we will prove them wrong.

Janis Markopoulos said...

Barbara Mosier has left a new comment on your post "Savage Meeting with Senator Robey & Chief of Polic...":

I'm hoping that plenty of people will be able to go, but for those of us who are still working at 5:30 midweek...will somebody be able to provide minutes, or at least a recap of what is discussed?

(Barbara, I'm sorry, my finger accidently hit reject instead of publish).